About Us
The Pink and Green Community Service Foundation, Inc. (PGCSF) is dedicated
to serving the greater Columba area through programs and events that educate,
inspire, and enhance the quality of life. We appreciate your support and
attendance at our activities and in our programs. We hope that you will continue
to support and be engaged in our work.
Our Mission
Our mission is to promote and enhance the health, education, and well-being of individuals and families in the Greater Columbia area of South Carolina through volunteerism and community outreach.
To accomplish our mission, we:
Support the international program initiatives of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.
Support local, national, and international non-profit programs and organizations with missions consistent with ours.
Establish partnerships and work cooperatively with local businesses, nonprofits, public agencies, and community and faith-based organizations in support of programs and activities which benefit the community.
Award college scholarships annually to high school seniors in the Greater Columbia Area attending a public high school and undergraduate seniors who are members of PSI, MU and Theta Gamma Chapters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.
Generate funds to support our broad and diverse community service activities and program initiatives.